Your customers experience your workplace culture every time they interact with your employees. The memories of those interactions will have a tremendous impact on your brand. What is your workplace culture doing for your brand?
Evidence shows that when organizations improve their culture (i.e., employee engagement), they enhance their customer experience and/or satisfaction.
“The Key to Happy Customers? Happy Employees” – Harvard Business Review (August 2019)
… each one-star improvement in a company’s Glassdoor rating corresponds to a 1.3-point out of 100 improvement in customer satisfaction scores — a statistically significant impact, which was more than twice as large in industries where employees interact closely and frequently with customers.
If you work in an industry where salary falls in the Top 3 of the operating expense statement, workplace culture must be a top priority to enhance and protect your brand.
While serving as a Regional CHRO for a healthcare organization with 20,000+ employees, my #1 priority was improving the culture of our workforce. Engaged and committed healthcare employees make all the difference when patients and families are at their most vulnerable state.
When our employee engagement and retention metrics reached top quartile and top decile levels, our patients noticed and let us know. The improved workplace culture provided an environment where our colleagues thrived, which increased the opportunity for powerful moments with our patients. Positive moments and memories with our patients enhanced our brand in the community.
I challenge all organizations to take a hard look at their culture and evaluate the impact their culture is having on the brand.
Contact us
for additional insights and/or suggestions on how to complete that assessment!