Before launching a monthly, employee rounding program, here are a few tips to keep in mind:
- Duration. Monthly, 1-on-1 meetings should not take longer than 15 minutes to complete. If this is a completely new concept for your organization, the initial meetings will likely take longer than 15 minutes, but the duration of the meetings will decrease as leaders complete them on a monthly basis, trust us.
- 1-on-1 employee meetings are about the employee...not the leader. The purpose of the 1-on-1 employee meeting is for the leader to learn about the employee's needs; it should NOT be used as a coaching session. Coaching / feedback sessions should be scheduled outside of the 1-on-1 employee meeting.
- Large spans-of-control. For organizations whose leaders have more than 40 direct reports, additional leadership support needs to be provided to conduct monthly 1-on-1 meetings with everyone on the team. High potential "team leads" / supervisors or leaders from departments / units with smaller spans-of-control may need to support the leaders with more than 40 direct reports.
- Employee rounding questions. Equip leaders with 3-5 questions to ask employees during the 1-on-1 employee meeting. Leaders have the flexibility to go "off script", but leaders will appreciate some guidance on what to ask during the employee rounding session.
- Trust But Verify. Simply asking leaders to document when they meet with their employees is a way to build an accountability structure to ensure monthly, 1-on-1 meetings are being completed.
Contact IMC at if you would like to learn more about our employee rounding philosophy or if employee rounding is a completely foreign concept for your organization.