Survey Page

IMC Culture Work-From-Home Photo Challenge

First, we hope everyone is doing all they can to stay healthy, and we encourage everyone to follow the CDC's and Federal Government's recommendations to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Let's also keep our healthcare workforce in our thoughts and prayers as they work on the frontline in caring for our most vulnerable populations.

Loneliness/isolation, lack of communication/collaboration, and distractions are typically three of the top five challenges people experience when they transition from working in an office environment to working from home. At IMC Culture, we would like to collect and share as many best practices organizations are doing to support their significantly larger work-from-home workforce. We also love challenges, like to have fun, and want to see your best work-from-home photo.
Phase I (Photo Submission) - Phase I of The Challenge already started. The photo submission portion of the challenge will end on Friday, 3/27.

Phase II (LinkedIn Voting) - The LinkedIn voting for the top three photos will begin on Monday, 3/30 and will end on Friday, 4/3.  

We will also share the results of the best practices survey on Friday, 4/3.

Grand Prize = $200 Amazon gift card or donation to non-profit organization 
2nd Prize = $50 Amazon gift card or donation to non-profit organization
3rd Prize = $25 Amazon gift card or donation to non-profit organization
STEP #1: Share what your organization is doing to support employees working from home by completing the IMC Culture Work-from-Home Survey

IMC Culture Work-from-Home Challenge

STEP #2: Upload your funniest work-from-home photo to LinkedIn with the hashtag #WorkFromHomeChallenge

STEP #3: Follow IMC Culture on LinkedIn and be on the lookout for voting instructions beginning Monday, 3/30
That’s it! Remember to go to the hashtag #WorkFromHomeChallenge and like and comment on other work-from-homers' images too. Let's be flexible with our colleagues adjusting to working from home, and let’s encourage each other to keep up the good fight.

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